Golden Lantern Global Ltd.

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                        Golden Lantern Global Program
The Concept

  • To market a membership program as to promote the unique life style to the middle and middle class PRC travelers. Members of Golden Lantern Global will pay a fixed membership fee to enjoy the benefits.
  • To establish a concierge service for these Chinese travelers in Europe that helps to navigate and communicate in circumstances where the language and culture barrier is an obstacle. This includes:
    • Partnership with national tourist agencies, ticket offices, travel agencies and other institutions interested in attracting middle to upper class travelers.
  • As partners of the program, they will have the opportunity to have exposure in the PRC market and most importantly, they will benefit as the program will bring in more high spending customers.
Target Audience:

PRC:  Upper middle class from PRC, seeking for exclusive and sophisticated insider guide to Europe. They will become a member of the Golden Lantern Global.

Europe:  On the European side, Golden Lantern Global will work on building strategic partners with potential points of interest with benefits for the “Golden Lantern Global members”.
These ranges from dining, shopping, hotels and special tourist attractions, leisure & culture and tailor-made travel packages and special events. Golden Lantern Global shall be a guide for the upscale PRC travelers to European upscale tourist attractions. Initial launch of the program will be in 4 cities, namely, Amsterdam, Berlin, Milan and Vienna.   

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